Friday, November 16, 2007

First Name: A Whole Notha' Level

Last nights 7pm show was for the benefit of Alabang New Life's building fund and this show was on a totally different level.

I'd like to personally thank everyone who was part of it: cast, crew, ushers, the audience, etc. for being part of the best show to date. Thank you for listening to us and choosing to let God flow through you. Amazing really what can happen when you let his 'super' go on top of your 'natural'. The show was so full of life and truth that no one left that theater without being touched and moved.

Ring was trying to apologize after the show for missing some of her lines, but it didn't really matter because what she sang was so moving and true. Most of the cast was crying during the last song and it was so sweet to see them enjoy the presence of God and not be ashamed of it in front of everyone. It's really hard to describe the amazing atmosphere inside that place. It just had to be experienced.

Tonight was the First show of many more and our aim is to keep reaching new and higher levels, wherever it is God wants to take us!

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